The V2 Globe Matrix bubbler in Dark Glass is a high quality, medium to large glass bubbler with a minimalistic design. Contained inside is a matrix percolation head which allows for free flowing inhales and accurate flavour profiles. This style of bubbler has some of the lowest draw resistance we've encountered. Also available in Clear Glass.
Being upgraded, the V2 Globe Matrix bubbler has two intake ports, the top one is 14mm or 18mm (select your option from the menu) and a side port which is 10mm. The dual ports can be used together or one can be plugged with the provided stoppers, leaving you a single port for your setup. The additional port can also be used like a carb hole to clear your bubbler! In addition to the two intake ports it also has a 14mm or 18mm (depending on which version you choose) mouthpiece port with included mouthpiece.
Stability is a big bonus here too. Due to the large water capacity the Globe Matrix has a low centre of gravity, the main female joint/port is also mounted centrally to keep most of the weight in the middle. When it does start to tip, unlike with regular bubblers which instantly tip and fall, the Globe Matrix bubbler rocks to the side then back into place, providing it isn't pulled too far.
Compatible with glass mouthpieces (one included) and vaporizer hose (included) this is a very versatile bubbler. We have ours set up with coloured which fits directly into the 14mm female mouthpiece joint on the 14mm version, however we strongly suggest using an as this can rotate in the glass joint and come out easily if you accidentally tug it, instead of pulling your bubbler off whatever surface it's on!
We prefer vinyl over the provided Silicone as it's more flexible, collects less residue and is wider. The included tube is a little thinner, as are the hose adapters and we've found this limits the airflow. With a Vinyl hose and an upgraded adapter instead, it is super free flowing.
- One of the easiest to clean
- Run the hot tap through the top intake hole to heat the bubbler and pull residue off the sides
- When hot and full of hot water hold the bubbler very tight and shake it. The water will swill around inside pulling off residue.
- Rinse and repeat
- If you still find there is residue you can put a little ISO inside and swill it around, then rinse again with hot water.
- 1 x Dark Glass V2 Globe Matrix Bubbler Available with 14mm or 18mm Joints
- 1 x 14mm or 18mm Male Dimpled Glass Mouthpiece
- 1 x 14mm or 18mm Male Angled Hose Adapter
- 1 x Dark Glass Small Whip Mouthpiece
- 1 x Length of Silicone Tube
- 1 x 10mm Dark Glass Stopper for Side Port
- 1 x Dark Glass 14mm or 18mm Stopper for Top Port
Check out our the v2 for Globe bubblers for the ultimate Globe Setup! This is not included in this listing and is shown for illustrative purposes only!
- 3-4mm Thick Borosilicate glass
- FDA approved Silicone Tube (11mm OD, 7mm ID, 2mm Thick)
- Approx. 12 x 14cm bubbler
- Dark Glass
- For the partially sighted - you can fill this with between 300-500ml